20 JANUARY 1917, Page 12


(To THE EDITOR or ma " SPECTATOR.") SIR,--I have been a regular reader of your paper for thirty years, and have worked for twenty years in a parish where there are now fifteen thousand hands working at munitions. I wish that in your campaign against drink you could see your way to press for two things—viz.: (a) total Prohibition of the sale of spirits except by doctor's orders; (b) total Prohibition of the sale of stout and heavy beer—but leave the sale of light non-intoxicating beer free. This platform would, I think, be carried with comparative case. But to abolish the sale of all beer would be a cruel thing for many men and is not practical politics.—I am, Sir, &c.,

Birmingham. G. H. Sasses. [We have frequently advocated the sale of beer with only 4 per cent. of alcohol or less.—ED. Spectator.]