OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Once more, and for the third time, the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John appeal to the ever-generous public to assist them in making a success of a great sale at Christie's. The sale this year has been fixed for the end of March next. How great a factor the Christie sales have become in the successful prosecution of the work of the Societies may be realized by the fact that they have produced no less a sum than .2100,000 for the funds for the sick and wounded. Messrs. Christie have most generously promised to undertake this work free of all remuneration, but owing to the great depletion of their staff through the war it is not possible for them to allocate to the sale more than a limited number of days instead of the extended
periods given in 1915 and 1916. If we are to obtain a result equal
to that of past years it becomes our duty to ask our kind benefactors who may .end us gifts for this sale to aim at sending objects of high individual quality and value, even if few in number. If this is "done the sale, although shorter in duration, may be equally beneficial in its result to the Sick and Wounded Fund. Untold sacrifices remain still to he made by our brave soldiers, and even the advent of peace will not heal wounds or mend limbs, and the services of the Red Cross will be required for many a month after that distant blessing may have been obtained. We, therefore, with every confidence, once more ask the fortunate possessors of treasures to give generously of their store. All gifts should be sent to the Red Cross Sale Depot, 48 Pall Mall, London, S.W.—We are, Sir &c., Annum STANLEY (Chairman, Joint War Committee); CHARLES RUSSELL (Chairman, Collections Committee); ADELINE BEDFORD (Jewellery); J. G. JOICEY (Objects of Art); EDMUND GOSS' (Books and Manuscripts); SYDNEY Menu (Old Silver); R. C. Warr (Pictures).
Room No. 99, 83 Pall Mall, S.W.