Mr. C. Gillman's account of his ascent of Kilimanjaro, the great isolated East Africa mountain which, though close to the Equator, is covered with eternal' snow, is peculiarly interesting. He was the first to reach the top since the moun- tain became British territory. It is suggested that an obser- vatory should be established high up on the mountain flanks. Captain Cheeseman sends from Baghdad a short history of steamboat navigation on the Upper Tigris to supplement Commander Elwell-Sutton's story of his own voyage in a gunboat to Tiluit. It appears that the first steamer, the 'Euphrates,' sold to the East India Company by Chesney after his Euphrates expedition, reached Baghdad in 1837 and in the following year went up almost as far as Mosul. No other steamer did so well against the strong current of the Tigris until 1917, when the retreating Turks contrived to take one of their transports, the 'Baghdad,' right up to Mosul, where she was captured a year later.