The Quarterlies.
THE QUARTERLY. We are delighted to find in the new Quarterly a vigorous and well-reasoned article on "The Burden of Taxation," rein- forcing the Spectator's plea for a full......
British And Continen'ral Labour Policy. By B. G. De...
(Kegan Paul and Co. 21s. net.) Mr. de Montgomery has written an exhaustive study of the political Labour movement and its legislation in Great Britain, France and Scandinavia......
This Truly Monumental Work Is, We Are Glad To See,
making progress. The compilers promise that the fourth volume, completing the biographical record of "all known students, grad uates and holders of office at the University of......
Notes On Rutland Boughton's The Immortal Hour. By A. J.
Sheldon. (Cornish Bros. is. net.) Mr. Boughton was certainly perverse in calling his essen- tially lyrical opera a "music-drama." It has none of the complexity of Wagner and......
Second Year-book Of The League Of Nations: January,...
1922. By Charles II. Levermore. (P. S. King. 7s. 6d. net.) Dr. Levermore, who is the secretary of the League of Nations Union in New York, has compiled a valuable hand- book......
Solomon In All His Glory. By Robert Lynd. (grant Richards.
7s. 6d.) Mr. Lynd brings out books so quickly, collects and reprints his newspaper essays so assiduously, that we begin to shake our heads and say that it will not do. Yet it......
This Is The Linacre Lecture Delivered At St. John's College,
Cambridge, in 1922. Experiments in rejuvenescence have lately attracted much attention, and it is possibly for this aspect of the subject that Sir Humphry Rolleston 's treatise......
Figaro. By John Rivers. (hutchinson. 18s. Net.) This Life Of
Beaumarchais makes no pretence to be anything but anecdotal. Beaumarchais's life, however, was of such interest and his character is so vivid that Mr. Rivers has produced an......
Book-prices Current: Vol. X.xxv. (stock. 32s. Ad. Net.)
The new volume of this useful compilation deals with the book-sales of the season 1920-1921. The delay in its appearance is due to the lamented death of Mr. J. 11. Slater, who......
The Political System Of British India. By E. A. Home.
(Clarendon Press. 10s. tild. net.) Mr. Home explains fully the present government of British India and discusses the probable effects of our recent changes in policy. He is by......