A Hundred Years Ago
GLASGOW LOTTERY.—T. BISH, at his Old Office, No. 4, Corn- hill, and at his new Lottery Office, No. 138, Regent Street, is the Authorized Agent for the sale of the above very popular Lottery sanctioned by Parliament.
Present Price : Ticket £12 12s.
Half £6 16 0 I Eighth £1 16 6
Quarter 3 10 6 Sixteenth ... 0 18 6
Orders from the Country (post paid), containing remittances, will
be duly attended to. Schemes gratis. ADVT.
• • • •
At the London Adjourned Sessions, on Saturday last, the Lord Mayor- having observed two men taking the oaths of constables with their hats on, inquired the reason, and was informed that they were Jews.
The Lord Mayor asked how it was that they took a Christian oath ? The officer replied, that they converted the oath Into a Jewish one, by acing at the end of it, ° So help me, as a true Jew I " Instead of " true Clutstian I "
The Lord Mayor—" l am act satisfied, by any means, with the validity of such an oath, and shall not allow It to be taken. How can the words of an oath, officially administered, be changed f " The officer said, the Jew constables were In the habit of taking the oath according to the form last mentioned, and the Recorder had considered It quite sufficient. The Jews who presented thereseh es were beadles of the Synagogue, appointed to prevent the peace from being broken there.
The Lord Mayor said, he had never before heard that Jews were allowed to vary the words of an oath, and postponed the swearing wets after Tuesday next.
-A gentleman appeared to excuse. the absence of another gentleman.
. The Lord Mayor—" What la the reason the person who is summoned is not in attendance M do his duty ? " . Apologist—, Because he la not able, my Lord. I came here as his representative." The Lord Mayor—" But why doge he net come himself ? " Apologist—" Became he Melly can't, my Lord. The fact is, thy Lord, ho sal The Lord Mayor—" Why did you not say as before ? That objection Ls surely quite enough."
Apologist—" The gentleman Is not living, my Lord he As dead," Itecorder—" You may eland down, Sir. He 4 excused."