20 JANUARY 1933, page 17

Farming By Machinery

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sui,—In reply to Mr. Beesly's letter regarding my article, " Farming by Machinery." In spite, or because of, the fact that 1 have mechanized......

[to The Editor Of The 'spectator.] Sin,—may , I Point Out

that poliomyelitis is spelt thus, and not polyomyelitis, as in The Spectator of December 30th, p. 905, tieing derived from To/as—grey, and not el:Me — many, taw grey matter......

Learning To Spell

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Suc,—The following short sentences are made up of English words in common use, but I doubt if one in five of your readers would get full marks......

[to The Editor Of The Seam/iron.] His....

Sir Walter Scott Club at Edinburgh in 1913 Sir John Simon tells the story Of General Wolfe and Gray's " Elegy," and'he mentions that Sir Walter Scott heard the story from......

"sayings That Were Never Uttered"

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SHt, — That the `,!,Elegy ", story doeS not appear till forty-five years after the fact is by no means Conelusive against it. The earliest......

Railway Sinking Funds

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIB, —Mr. Crampton opens his letter in last week's issue with the words, " Answering Mr. Keen "—should he not rather say, • " Replying to " My......

A Hundred Years Ago

"THE SPECTATOR," JANUARY 19TH, 1833. • G LASGOW LOTTERY. — T. BISH, at his Old Office, No. 4, Corn- hill, and at his new Lottery Office, No. 138, Regent Street, is the......

Points From Letters

RUSSIA'S FOOD. You refer to " Russia with its potential export surplus of wheat and other cereals." It certainly has exported large quantities of food in Czarist and recent......

• The Word " Britisher " [to The , Editor

of T Scsexe.Toa.]... S - M,—Many. overseas British subjects will be sorry to hear that The Spectator has decided-to use its influence against the use of the word " Britisher."......