20 JANUARY 1933, Page 17


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SHt,—That the `,!,Elegy ", story doeS not appear till forty-five years after the fact is by no means Conelusive against it. The earliest evidence for Johnion's patronage of the Cheshire Cheese LS eighty' years after his deatll, but it is an article of faith with.very many.

I correctly described Robison, as a midshipman. He was rated as such Herein I 'ammore modest than Carlyle, who lialdly gives him the rank of Lieutenant It was Carlyle's inevitable practice to look at his authorities. ithout reading them, and,.tniiled by a piece of slipshod Scotch, he promoted that erudite naval Warrior. DonlitleSS Robison was rated as a midshipman to allow him to aceornpaay the Admiral's, son as tutor ; this young man was himself a lieutenant. It seems to run in the family, for Mr. Robert Robison took part in similar naval expeditions during- ilia Great am,

New Oxfard and Cambridge Club.