The Ethics of Gambling
The recent interim findings of the Royal Commission on Betting and Gambling, and expectation of the Commission's final report at an early date, have con- centrated attention on the whole question of gambling in its effects on the national life. But while the anti- social effects of gambling in its various forms are manifest, and restrictions on a vice so detrimental to the public welfare can be fully justified on that ground alone, considerable perplexity is still felt as to ethics of gambling in itself—as to how far, for example, it is to be condemned in cases where the man who bets risks no more than he can safely afford to lose. With a view to elucidating this side of the question The Spectator offers a prize of £10 10s. for the best article of not more than 1,200 words on the ethical side of gambling. Articles should reach The Spectator office, 99 Gower Street, W.C. 1, not later than February 8th. The decision of the Editor of The Spectator will be final, and he reserves the right to rule, in case of need, that no article submitted is of the required standard, and to publish the winning article without further fee.