We cannot honestly say that we think that this large and expensive volume (puNislied by the St: Jamee's Press, £2 2s.) is necessary : so much of it is to be found elsewhere. But it appears to be very well put together on the lines of Black's Who's Whoi.e., all facts and no opinions. It claims to be a record of public services, and as such it is a proud one. It is accurate, but we fail to discover exactly what age or degree of Merit gives a title to inclusion, and we arc surprised at one or two exclusions. It is said to be a record of Old Etonian now living," but there is honourable record of some who were killed in the War. The compilers are scholarly enough to have followed Carefully the spelling of the Oxford Dictionary and the " usage" laid down by Mr. Fowler. There is a pottrait of the founder and a fine historical and hortatory preface by Dr. Edward Lyttelton.