20 JULY 1844, Page 11



The prevent week has been one of more importance than the last, for the fluctuations which have occurred, and the events by which they have been influenced, both in the English and Foreign Stock Markets. In the English House, the attention had been much occupied from the commencement in the preparation fur the settlement of a rather unusually long Account, extended over a period of seven weeks ; and which has this day been finally arranged, although great difficulty arose among the Bears, from the scarcity of Stock, to become borrowera of Consols, in order to continue their speculation until the August Account ; and 1-16th per cent for the loan of Stock till that period was in many instances paid. The Broker for the Commissioners is almost a day purchaser; and added to this, there has been a large quantity of Stock taken from the market, arising from the reinvestment of dividends just received. These facts, together with that of money being so very abundant and at so low a percentage, are sufficient in themselves to account for the present high price for Consols. Although no very heavy speculations have been entered into for the full; as most parties prefer watching the course of events for the present before they operate, and seeing moreover the position in which they stand with respect to the scarcity of Stock on the market, still there are others to be found, who, looking to the fearful height Console have reached, have been con- tinuing their transactions for the fall, trusting that something may occur out of the chapter of accidents. The Consul market, and moat of the Government Securities, advanced a shade at the beginning of the week ; but a heavy sale of Stock for a public Company, on Wednesday, caused a decline of 4 per cent ; from which they have since recovered. The New Three-and-a-half per Cents opened for the first public transfer since the shutting yesterday, and Consols this day. Exchequer Bills have improved. this week to 80a. premium ; a sub- stantial proof of the abundance of capital. In the Foreign House, Spanish Stock, as usual, has undergone some flue- Mation aad a reported issue of a further amount of Three per Cent Stock on the market is a bar at present to any material advance. Still theaccounta lately received from Madrid are acknowledged by all to be of assess cheering character generally. The half-monthly settlement of the Account took place on Tuesday last, and caused a heaviness for the time in most of the Foreign Stocks; but they nearly all recovered at the end of the day, particularly Spanish Three per Cents, which had been during the morning depressed 4 per cent, and the Five per Cents nearly to the same extent, but recovered before the close of the market ; and the Three per Cents continue gradually to advance. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents are still much in favour, and have improved this week 5 per cent. The holders of the old Five per Cents are anxiously awaiting the production of the terms to be submitted by the Minister of Finance to the Dutch Government with respect to his plan for the conversion; a law having just passed for reducing the rate of interest to four per cent, which has been lately carried out in the new Five per Cents ; a large portion of that Stock having been drawn to be paid off, except that belonging to holders who inti- mated' their wish beforehand to accept of the new Four per Cents; and the holders of the remaining portion of new Fives are now awaiting further informa- tion as to whether there is any further drawing to take place, and the period when this balance is to he paid off. The new Four per Cent Dutch have scarcely varied all the week. Mexican Stock continues almost stationary, as there are different reports concerning the funds already in band to meet the over- due dividend; and the holders are eagerly awaiting the publication of the accounts, many stating confidently that there are already funds in hand more than sufficient to meet it.

In the Share Market, Railways, which were all more or less depressed last week, from the approach of the settlement of Monday last, became better after the Account was arranged; and in some of them a material improvement has taken place since, particularly in Great Western Old Shares, which have ad- vanced five pounds per share. London and Birmingham, Birmingham and Derby, North Midland, and York and North Midland, have risen one pound in value; and Birmingham and Gloucester two pounds. South-eastern Old Shares have improved ten shillings per share, in consequence of the opinions expressed that at the forthcoming meeting on the 25th instant circumstances would transpire favourable to the interest of the shareholders. The Eastern Counties have been steadily advancing for several days past; arising from the announce- ment of the meeting advertised by the Company to take place on the 8th of August for the purpose of agreeing to an alteration in one of the proposed ex- tension-lines.


This being ., pay day " in the English Market, the chief attention is at pre- sent occupied in settling the differences upon yesterday's account. Console and other Government Securities have, however, improved generally 4 per cent. Consols, for Money, 993 5; Ditto, for the Account, 993 4 ; Three per Cent Reduced, 1004; Three-and-a-half per Cent Ditto, 1024 3: New Three-and- s-half per Cents, 1025; Bank Stuck, 1995; Exchequer Bdle, 77 to 79 ; India Stock, 2854.

In the Foreign Market there is nothing doing, and no fluctuations have oc- curred. Brazilian, 83 4; Belgian, 1035 44; Chilian, 103 5 ; Danish, 884 95 ; Dutch Two per Cents, 614 2 ; Ditto Old Fives, 1015 4; Mexican, 354 6 ; Portuguese, 45 6 ; Spanish Actives, 235 a ; Ditto Three per Cents, 334 I.

In Relit' aye little business has at present been transacted.


In the English Market, prices have continued firm up to the close of business, but with little doing. Console for Money, 995 5; Ditto for Account, 9955; Three per Cent Reduced, 1004 5 ; Three-and-a-half per Cent Ditto, 1024 3; New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1024; Bank Stock, 1994; Exchequer Bills, 76 8; India Stock, 2855.

In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is rather lower; being 335 3 for the Three per Cents, and Five per Cents 235. Brazilian, 834; Belgian, 1034 44; Chilian, 103 5 ; Danish, 884 94 ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 613 5 ; Ditto, Old Five per Cents, 1014 i ; Mexican, 354 6 ; Portuguese, New Five per Cents, 45 6 ; Russian, 1184 194. In Railway Shares, business has been transacted at the following prices per share : Birmingham and Derby, 71 ; Birmingham and Gloucester, 100 ; Bris- tol and Exeter, 77; Chester and Holyhead, 44; Dublin and Cashel, 44; Eastern Counties, Old Shares, 121; Ditto, New Registered, 144; Ditto, Ex- tension, (No. 1,) 1; Great Western, 132; Ditto, Half-Shares, 824; Ditto, Fifths, 235; London and Birmingham, 2254; Brighton, 484; South-western, 844; Ditto, Eighths, 34; Croydon, 174; Manchester and Leeds, 106; Ditto, Half-Shares, 454; Midland Counties. 99; Northern and Eastern, 585; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, 165 ; Norwich and Brandon, 11 ; South-eastern and Dover, 37 ; Ditto, New Shares, 11 ; Yarmouth and Norwich, 265; York andloNutor1th Midland, 106 ; Paris and Rouen, 383 ; Orleans Tours and Bordeaux, 21. 3 per Ceut Consols 991 e Colombian ex Venezuela.... 131 14

Ditto roe Account 991 1 Danish 3 per Cents 881 91 3 per Cent Reduced 1001 I Dutch 2f per Cents 61¢ f 31 per Ceut Ditto

1081 3 Ditto 5 per Cents

Mexican 5 per Cents

New If per Cents 102/ 351 6 Bank Stuck 199/ Ditto Deferred 151 16

Exchequer Bills prem. 76 8 Portuguese New5 ',Chi .1841 95 6 India Stuck 8851 Russian 5 per Cents 1181 19+ Brazilian 5 per Cents 81 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 231

Belgian 5 per Cents 1100314¢ Ditto 3 per Cents 1840 331 I 103 5

Chilian 6 per Cents Venezuela Aetna ...... .... 91 42