20 JULY 1844, page 19
Fine Arts.
RESULT OF THE FRESCO COMPETITION. THE Royal Commission has adjudicated on the specimens of Fresco in Westminster Hall ; and the decision is in favour of native artists. The new......
Commercial Ciazette.
Tuesday, July 16. PARTNER.HIPS DISSOLVED. Van Sandal' and Cumming, King Street, Cheapsitte, attoruies-S. and T. F. Here- ford, ironmongers—Jones mid Arthur, Castle Street.......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths
BIRTHS. On the 12th July. in Grosvenor Square, the Countess of HOME, of a daughter. On the 12th, at Embed House. near Falkirk. the Lady of Major CHALMER. of Lem. Ott the 12th,......