The little theatre in the Haymarket knows no change of
season ; merely shutting its doors once a year pro forma, as the gates of Temple-bar are closed only to be opened when the Sovereign knocks for admittance. The Prize Comedy is shelved for a while ; and SHERI- DAN is again in the ascendant, with real Comedy in his train. Madame VESTRIS returned to her engagement here on Monday ; ap- pearing as Lady Teazle, with FARaEN-as Sir Peter; and triumphantly answering by her good looks and spirits the womanly insinuation of Mrs. GORE that age prevented her from taking a part in the Quid pro Quo! Mrs. CENTLIVRE'S Busy Body is underlined ; and MORTON'S Cure for the Heart-ache, abridged into three acts, has proved an ac- ceptable variety. One of the unsuccessful competitors for the 5001. prize had sent his comedy to the Surrey, where it was to have been performed but nothing more has been heard of it. We think that Mr. WEBSTER is entitled to have the first refusal of any one of the rejected comedies, by way of compensation for his disappointment. If he mistrusts his own judgment as well as that of the "Committee," there is a lady whom be might consult with advantage, whose judgment is impartial and discriminating, and who is skilful in suggesting emendations. The lady alluded'to was for many years a favourite actress of the Drury Lane company, and subsequently at the Olympic under Madame VES- TRIS'S management; she has now retired from the stage, and might have inclination as well as leisure for a task for which she is so well qualified. We need not mention a name that will occur to all conver- sant with theatrical matters, as belonging to one equally distinguished by private worth and stage talent. Martin Chuzzlmeit is drawing crowds to the Lyceum ; and another version of it, which we have not seen, is played at the New Strand. The subject will probably go the round of the theatres.