A third skirmish haMken place between the French forces and
the troops of Morocco. The affair in itself was of little conse- quence. Marshal BUGEAUD does not affect to believe that the Moors wanted to fight : " They wished to accompany us withOut any serious engagement, which they would have celebrated as a Victory." The Marshal proceeds—" Not wishing to give them a moral advantage, which they would have turned to account with their co-religionists, I determined on taking the offensive; and soon afterwards we drove before us those undisciplined horsemen." In plain English, Marshal BUGEAUD has dispersed a reconnoitering corps; and be narrates the exploit in a letter nearly as long as the part of C2EsAR's Commentaries devoted is the account of his first inroad into Britain. To be sure, some :cavillers have whispered that C2ESAR did not accomplish much more then than BUGEAUD has accomplished now. It must be admitted that the preponder- ance of the literary class in any country has a tendency to favour the practice of making mountains out of molehills. The import- ance of this affair arises from its indicating that the Emperor of Morocco is not so pacifically inclined as M. GUIZOT supposed, and from the fact that ABD-EL-KADER is believed to have been present.