20 JULY 1844, Page 8


THE Queen has been domesticated at Windsor Castle during the week ; taking daily rides in her pony phaeton with Prince Albert, and walking in the pleasure-grounds of the Castle when the weather permitted. On Monday evening, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Dutchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz. arrived at the Castle, on a short visit. On Tues- day, the Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Grand Duke and Dutchess, visited the Dutchess of Kent at Frogtoore.

On Wednesday, the Earl of Liverpool and Sir Robert Peel arrived at the Castle on a visit : Sir Robert departed on Thursday.

Prince Albert inspected his regiment, the Scots Fusilier Guards, in the Great Park, on Monday. The Dutchess of Kent has been most assiduous in her attendance on the Queen, and has dined at the Castle almost daily. On Wednesday, her Royal Highness came to town and visited the Dutchess of Glou- cester.

The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge entertained the Duke of Wel- lington and a distinguished circle at dinner, at Cambridge House, on Sunday evening.

The Dutchess of Gloucester had an evening-party at Gloucester House on Monday.

The Grand Duke and Dutchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz left Windsor Castle on Wednesday morning. They dined with the Earl of Beverley on Thursday ; and yesterday evening accompanied the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge to the Lyceum Theatre.