Earl De Grey departed from Ireland on Tuesday. The procession from Dublin to Kingstown appears to have been a very poor affair, the only expression of popular feeling having been a few groans and jeers from the populace. The Dublin correspondent of the Times remarks- " There was a most reprehensible absence of the gentry on the occasion of Lord De Grey's departure; indeed, not excepting poor Lord Fortescue, no Viceroy ever left our shores with such apparent marks of neglect. This will be better understood when it is announced that jest five carriages of any de- scription accompanied the party to Westland Row, and of these live one was tenantless."
On Monday the Earl and.Countess held a reception-levee at the Castle, preparatory to their departure. Several deputations attended to present addresses.
The Repeal papers heap a variety of opprobriom epithets on the bead of the late Viceroy. The Master of the Rolls and the Lieutenant-General Commanding the Forces were sworn on Tuesday before the Privy Council in Dub- lin, as Lords Justices of Ireland pending the arrival of Lord Hey. tesbury. Mr. T. N. Redington, the Member for Dundalk, has refused to resign his seat in Parliament in compliance with an address from a portion of his constituents, as he does not consider it to represent the opinion of the majority of the electors. Mr. Redington's refusal to support Repeal called forth this address.
Mr. Sergeant Murphy, M.P. for Cork, has again declined an alliance with Repeal agitation.—Evening The Repeal Association met as usual on Monday. Mr. James Kelly, the newly-elected Member for Limerick City, was in the chair. A. letter was read from the Earl of Wicklow, in reply to a circular from the Association which directed his attention to the public bills before Parliament. Lord Wicklow recommends the Association rather to call on the absent Representatives of Ireland to attend to their duties in Parliament, than to circulate opinions and recommendations in printed letters to those who do attend. A letter from O'Connor Don, in reply to the circular, promises his best attentian to the recommendations.
Mr. W. J. O'Connell handed in 481. from a new ward just opened in London, which he intended to call the "tubs. John O'Connell Ward," in honour of the wife of Mr. John O'Connell, who with her four chil- dren shares his imprisonment. Mr. W. J. O'Connell returned thanks for having been placed at the head of the million Repeaters in Eng- land; and assured the meeting, that if the Tory Government were de- termined to bayonet the people of Ireland, it would be necessary first to crush 500,000 fighting men in England.
Mr. D. O'Connell junior reported "all well" from the prison. He congratulated the Association on the departure of Earl be Grey, "carrying with him the contempt of the whole Irish people." A message from his father directed that the boys attending the National School should not fight "the battle of the Button" to the detriment of their education ; and recommended them "to put the button into their pockets " when they went into school. His father also stated, he bad little hope the writ of error would be decided in his favour ; of which he was glad, because it would show the necessity of depending on them- selves.
The rent of the week was 1,6881.
A large Repeal meeting was held at Ilallinagar, in Leitrim, on Sunday week. The number of persons present is said to have been 25,000; and we are told " there was a staff of Police Repeaters with a chief at their head."
The anniversary of the battle of the Boyne, on the 12th July, passed off this year without any disturbance. The Protestants generally ab- stained from walking in procession, or making any demonstrations cal- culated to excite angry feelings among the Catholics.
The " Button " excitement in Dublin has received a little additional stimulus. Ennis, a carman, went on business last week to Portobello Barracks, decorated with the Repeal-button: the sentinel, grossly want- ing in vigilance, allowed the fearful emblem to pass the barrack-gate: on going through the square, however, the carman was confronted by Captain Mathews, supported by a company of the Thirty-fourth; the gallant Captain seized his " button" in an unfriendly manner, and compelled him to retreat. For this expulsion Ennis summoned the Captain to the head Police-office ; where he was held to bail in his own recognizances to answer the charge of assault at the next Sessions ; the plaintiff having refused to " settle" the matter with Captain Mathews at the suggestion of the Magistrates, m ho considered the assault as one of a very trifling nature: the taking away the button, they decided, was merely the Captain's duty, in conformity with the general order of the Lieutenant-General.
The Pilot states, that the Board of Education has prohibited the wear- ing of Repeal-buttons by schoolboys ; and that it has actually ejected 140 boys from the National schools in Dublin for wearing the badge. The Pilot discourses on the wearing of the buttons ; thinks that com- paratively few Repeaters wear them ; honours those who do ; and mag- niloquently concludes—" But, with or without buttons, hurra for Repeal !"
Catherine Bryan, Bridget Langan, and Anne Corr, were tried at the Roscommon Assizes last week, for the murder of Patrick Bryan, the husband of the first prisoner, by strangling him with a rope. Bryan and Langan Were found guilty, and afterwards sentenced to death; Corr was acquitted. The murder was committed a year ago; and the wretches who perpetrated it having cut the man's throat after strangling him, a Coroner's inquest returned a verdict of suicide. Since that time. an important witness has been discovered, in the person of Margaret Gilhooly, who witnessed the murder, but wished to avoid giving evi- dence: hence the present trial and its result.
At the same Assizes, Edward H. Fry, Esq , was charged with wilful and corrupt perjury. Mr. French, Queen's Counsel, stated the case for the Crown ; by which it appeared that a mare, the property of Mr. Fry, was killed on the night of the 22d March last, and that Mr. Fry swore informations respecting that fact, and deposed it was done ma- liciously by persons unknown, for the purpose of obtaining a present- ment for the supposed malicious injury. The counsel said it would appear in evidence that Mr. Fry had induced a man named Cox, who was his herd, to kill the mare in question. The evidence, however, lamentably broke down ; and the Jury returned a verdict of " Not Guilty" without leaving their box. Mr. Fry is an Orangeman, and that would appear to have been the cause of the prosecution. The Repeal Association found funds for an investigation of this affair Ltt rile sessions.
Sentence of death on John West, for a murder in Dublin, has been commuted to imprisonment.