Of the personal collision in Lord Derby's and Lord Salisbury's
speeches, and its significance, we have said enough elsewhere. As regards the Treaty of Berlin, Lord Derby, on the whole, supported the Government, though he pointed out how much more dependent on Russia the new Bulgaria would probably be, than a strong State big enough for independent hopes, such as had been orginally sketched out ; and how little permanence there was in the new arrangement. His attack on the Asiatic guarantee was very powerful. There was no real analogy at all, he said, as regards the danger of such guarantees, between the case of protected States in India with a British Resident, and the case of Turkey under British protection. In India, European meddling is virtually impossible. In Asia, it would be certain. If a European agent appeared at Mysore or Hyderabad, it would not be long before he was removed. But the Great Powers will have, as before, their Ambassadors in Constantinople, and their Consular staff everywhere in Asiatic Turkey, and they will not only inter- fere in local administration, but interfere with a new spirit of jealousy against England, on account of her exceptional position under the Asiatic Protectorate.