[SECOND NOTICE.] NexT to the drawing of the Hotel de Ville, Brussels, with the mention of which we closed our last notice, come several more pencil drawings, chiefly of Scotch......
Picture Forgery.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—It would be a scandal to the public who love true art, arid' still more a scandal to the brotherhood of artists, if Mr. Herbert were......
The Constitutional Issue.
go THE EDITOR OF THE SPROTATOR.1 But,—It is said we are to have a general election. I venture to propose, as the issue to which the Liberal party ought to postpone all others,......
A Pair Of Suggestions.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTLTOR.1 SIR,—In your notice in the Spectator of July 6th of a " Revised English Bible," the reader's attention is directed to the following passages,......