Rumours—as yet, no more than rumours—prevail of the open- ing-up
of another portion of the Eastern Question. It is stated that the Porte have assured the Greeks that no important con- cession will be made to them, and that the Greeks have deter- mined to aid the insurrection which is about to break out in Thessaly and Macedonia. The Turkish troops in Thessaly, aware of the coming revolt, are terrorising the people in a way which has induced the French Government to request all the Powers to press moderation at Constantinople. Greece is still, after her two years of warning, not quite prepared, but she is much better prepared than in 1876, and may be forced by popular feeling to invade the provinces where Greeks are suffering. Her force, however, unless assisted either by Italy or France, is wholly un- equal to contend with the Turkish army and the Albanian Irregulars together.