A Search for a Fortune : the Autobiography of a
Younger Son. By Hamilton Lindsay Bucknall. (Daldy and Isbiater.)—It does not appear that the author of this entertaining volume has yet actually found that for which he has been searching, though he thinks it to be within his reach. We may suppose indeed that one of the objects with which this book has been written is to invite the public to assist him in obtaining it, not of course without much benefit to themselves. Nor have we any objection to helping him, so far as to say that his scheme is the con- struction of a submarine tunnel across the bay of Rio de Janeiro. Nor can we be wrong in saying that we wish it all the success that it deserves. But Mr. Bucknall "saw the cities and learnt the thoughts"
of many men, before he found his way to Rio. He wont first to New
Zealand, where be served in the colonial force which had been raised in the native war. This service, however, was not likely to bring a fortune, though, indeed, it had nearly been tho means of pat- ting him out of all want of one. From Now Zealand he went to Australia, and tried his hand first at being a barman, at £2 a week Then he took to chopping wood, and then to the business of " driving '. a stationary engine. Ho seems to have had other occupations, but is slightly vague about them. In fact, the one thing that comes out with the greatest clearness is the great energy and success with which he contrived to amuse himself. In fact, though we can honestly recom- mend the book to our readers, we should not select is as a practical guide to the intending emigrant. Mr. Bucknall never " burnt his ships." He had always a home to go to, and family resources, as a sort of pecuniary Providence, to keep him from any unpleasant results. In the matter of fortune-seeking, Australasia was a failure. The second half of the volume is occupied with experiences in Brazil, lively and amusing sketches, with a due admixture of the serious, as for instance, when he describes the Henley Colony.