The Lectures of a Certain Professor. By the Rev. J.
Farrell. (Macmillan.)—This is an agreeable little volume of essays, on a variety of subjects, and well deserves to be the companion of those who are fortunate enough to have the luxury of a few leisure hours. Tho author tells us that " if he were allowed to choose a place in the temple of fame, he should select the quiet and comfortable corner in which the Essayists congregate." He loves the gossip of Mon- taigne, would like to take the arm of " Elia," and leave a book be- hind him like those charming Essays." In fact, he does not aspire to write for busy people, but would rather wait for the well- earned holiday, and then ask his reader to come out, as it were, for a walk. We can assure such a reader that be will find his walk a very bright and pleasant one, in such companionship. We can promise him that ho will not feel himself fatigued, but that, on the contrary, he will be considerably lightened and refreshed. "The Professor's lectures " touch on those old, familiar topics, such as books, happiness, sympathy, success, character, about which a really thoughtful and observant man has always something new and interesting to say. As persons grow old, books of this kind become morn and more welcome companions. One can enjoy them without the mental effort which a good deal of the best and highest literature demands from us, and at the same time have the satisfaction of feeling that one's time has been by no means wasted. The Professor, we sincerely hope, will have a good audience ; he certainly deserves it.