20 JULY 1878, Page 26

_Influence of Climate on Pulmonary Consumption. By C. T. Williams,

M.D. (Smith and Elder.)—This volume contains the " Lettsomian " Lectures for 1876, and constitutes a valuable contribution to medical science. It is founded on carefully examined statistics, the only sure basis of argument on such a subject. Books are from time to time written by medical practitioners, residing at one or other of the great health-resorts. These writers, with the best intentions in the world, can hardly be impartial. Dr. Williams has no interest in one of the sani- taria over another. It is his business, as a London physician, to send his patients to the most likely spot for recovery. Of course, his conclusions are modified by circumstances. Ml cases of consumption are not alike, and the varieties of individual constitution are infinite. Still, Dr. Williams is strongly of opinion that some places are much to be pre- ferred to others. Of the butter known health-resorts in England, he puts Hastings, with St. Leonard's, first, Bournemouth second, and Torquay last. Of the foreign places. Pan seems without doubt to be the worst, excepting, perhaps, Madeira, which is now, indeed, generally abandoned by the profession. The climate of the Riviera is much more favourable. Men who groan over the mistral will be consoled to hear that, in Dr. Williams's opinion, it is " as necessary to the maintenance of the appetite, as the warm air is beneficial to the cough and other local symp- toms." Malaga, as far as can be judged from a small number of patients, is very salutary. Egypt stands at the head of all. " Of twenty patients who passed in Egypt twenty-six winters, sixty-five per cent, improved, twenty-five per cent. remained stationary, and ten per cent. became worse. This is by far the finest land result that we have to offer."

But the " sea restate' are better than the land results ; "89 per cent. of the patients improved, five-and-a-half per cent. remained stationary, and five-and-a-half per cent. became worse." The best sea-voyage is to Australia and New Zealand. Every one who has any immediate or secohdarsr interest in this subject should consult this volume.