Back t6 the Great Western ?
SIR,—I am writing to you on behalf of the recently formed West Country Writers' Association, whose first President is Eden Phillpotts and whose Vice-Presidents include H. A. Vachell,,St. John Ervine, Lady Vyvyan, John Moore, Christopher Fry, Marguerite Steen, " Jan Stewer " (A. J. Coles), A. L. Rowse, Frederick Grisewood and Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald. My committee unanimously decided at their recent meeting to press for the restoration of the Great Western Railway as the title of that 'Part of the British Railways' system now referred to as " Western Region." The West Country Writers' Association is non-political and offers no opinions as to the merits or the demerits of nationalisation. What it feels is that a title so affectionately and obstinately retained in the common speech should not have, been dropped, particularly as the Great Western Railway, under that title, has figured in English literature much more prominently than any of the other regional railways. Will all those who agree send me a postcard giving name and address with the words, " Give us back our Great Western Railway," and I will see that they are forwarded in the form of a petition to the quarter where it is most likely to have effect 7—Yours, &c.,