The Japanese Treaty
It is a curious comment on the Western attitude to the whole question of the future of Japan that singularly little news has come in, or apparently been sought, on reactions to......
Turkey And Greece Get Their Reward
When the question of the admission of Turkey and Greece to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was last in the news, two months ago, the British Government's official reasons......
Under The White Flag
The truce talks at Kaesong seem to be going about as well as was to be expected. They were broken off last week, when Communist guards turned back a convoy of United Nations......
Broadcasting With Handicaps
Neither the last week's White Paper on the Beveridge Report, nor the earlier White Paper of l946, which last week's quotes with approval, nor indeed the Government's policy on......
Words And Deeds
Mr. Nehru is a sufficiently informed student of international affairs to know that the statement of peaceful intentions is no substitute for peaceful actions. " There is no......
Argument At The Back-door
Spain is the skeleton in the European cupboard. Every now and then the Americans, to the acute embarrassment of theit, British and French allies, insist on opening the cupboard......