Tha charge of unhealthiness preferred against Netley as a site for a military hospital has called forth a strong expression of opinion from the medical gentlemen practising at Southampton. The medical society of that town, at the request of the Mayor' report that the accusation is entirely opposed to their experience that ague and malarious diseases are unknown in the district, unless imported ; and that the mortality of Southampton is below the average of other towns of equal population and extent.
Mr. Commissioner Hill, in the Bristol Bankruptcy Court, has refused a certificate to George Worrell Jones, hanker, Criekhowell ; becauee he had "neglected all the safeguards against ruin which honest traders have devised for their own protection and that of their creditors." This "banker" began business with a borrowed capital of 50001.; he led people to suppose that his bank was a branch of the Brecon Old Bank, of which firm he had borrowed his "capital"; he kept no cash-book ; he probably-did not know, from keeping no proper accounts, how long he had been insolvent; but he told a person he was solvent at a time when he could hardly have believed that he was. The deficiency of his estate amounts to 40,0001., and the creditors will get only Ia. 6d. or 2s. in the pound. Protection, however, was granted to Jones during good behaviour : he has given much Resistance to the assignees.