20 JUNE 1857, page 14

The New French Prietorian Army.

A PAPER in the Moniteur Universe', " Rapport a l'Empereur sur la situation generale de la Dotation do l'Armee," enables us to understand an important change which is going on in......

Millar V. Denison.

WE:ETHER it arises from the newness of many Members or the newness of the Speaker, certain it is that the House of Commons has developed an unusual degree of disorder. The other......

Trttrrs To Tor (mtn.

THE POOR-RITE. Belfast, 13th June 1857. SIR —In all that has been said on the subject of the equalization of the poor-rate, the general principle that ought to guide the......

The Best Use Of Chelsea Hospital.

.Lesketh How, Ambleside, 16th June 1857. Sut—Misappropriation seems to be very much the order of the day. We have the cry of "The right man in the right place !" another, and a......

The Indian Army, Upper Sydenham, 14th June 1807. Sir—lo The

Spectator of Saturday I see a mistake which you might feel inclined to correct. Among other causes which have led to the bad spirit in the Indian Army, you mention that the......