20 JUNE 1857, Page 9



Securities opened firm on Monday—Consols 931 purchases supposed to have been made in anticie rate of discount, advanced to 931 1. A good deal during the day at the improved prices. On Tuesda3r a renewed presfre for money caused the market to recede to 93 1 ; -which was followedoy a still heavier market the next day, aided greatly by continued lower qotations from the Paris Bourse. At one time there were strong 'sellers at 93 The idea that the Bank Directors 'would yesterday reduce the rate of nterest had been pretty generally given up ; the Market DILS therefore tapn somewhat by surprise when it was announced that a reduction from q to 6 per cent had been resolved upon. An improvement of 1-16, howev4 was the only result ; the last price yesterday being 931. Exchequer BO have rallied the last day or two • the quotation in small being now 3 di. to par. Bank Stock 211 213. Reduced, 92H. There is a much biter feeling reigning today, although but a limited business passing. Cowls have been buyers at 931, and close sellers only at that price. The tone f the Foreign Stock Market has altogether presented a firm appeara,nes) and inquiries have been made for Stocks which have for some considerate time remained dormant. Russian has improved fully 2 ; Turkish per Cents, and Spanish Three per Cents, 1; Portuguese and Sardinia. 1 per cent. The near approach of the half-yearly dividend in -many of the Stocks has produced this effect. Russian leaves off 110 112; Turkish Six per Cents, 961 1 ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 65 ; Portue.ese Three per Cents, 46 47; Brazilian, 100 101; Sardinian, 89 90 ; !flexion, 221 3; Spanish Three per Cents, 42 43; Ditto Deferred, 26 1. In ne Railway Share Market, a good average business has been done. Thuilg the preparations for the fortmghtly settlement, rates of interest and contingos were extremely Pith, ranging between 9 and 12 per cent. The tuetation has been about 2.58. per share ; the market closing at an average imirovement of from 10s. to 15s. per share. Great Western leave off 64 ; Mi/land, 831 41; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1001 1011 ; London and NorthWistern, 1031 104; London and South-Western, 1001 11 ; Caledonian, 31 ; Aberdeen, 241 51 ; Dover, 221 ; Brighton, 112 113. The Foreign Blare Market, which was fiat in the middle of the week, has recovered at -he close, in consequence of the Bank measures ; and prices are now as they were at the beginning. The hope that the Bank of France will (in addition to a reduction of the premium on gold made yesterday) follow the example of the Bank of England, tends at present to promote firmness, although the result of the elections is looked to with sonic uneasiness.

Grand Trunk of Canada Shares have fallen 21. The market for Eng 1 ; and, owing to sever pation of a reduction of business was tea


A further increase of 618,606/. is reported in last night's return of the Bank stock of bullion. The Markets are all quiet but firm this morning, at a shade higher valuations. Consols 93 3-16 1. The Foreign Markets are equally firm, but with little doing at present.


The English Market closes with a very firm appearance, at a further advance in quotations ; Consols are strong buyers; at 93 5-16: there seems a great disposition on the part of dealers to speculate for the rise. Railway Shares are dull. Operations have been limited. The following are all the last quotations—Bristol and Exeter, 901; Caledonian, 7i; Eastern Counties, 111 ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 1041; Great -Western, 641 _ Lancaster and Carljele, 211.; Jsenden and Black-wall, 6 'L k; ondon and North-Western 104 ; London and South-Western' 101 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 45f ; Midland, 84; North Britis , -in .' North-Eastern—Berwick, 921 ; Ditto York, 711 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 33' South-Eastern, 751; Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 591 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 211; Great Western of Canada, 23. Joint Stock Banks—Australasia, 871 ; Colonial, 28; London Chartered Dank of Australia, New, 18; Provincial of Ireland, 61*; Union of Australia, S61; Union of London, 27: Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 19; Peel River Land and Minerta, 2; Royal Mail Steam 58.

The Bank of Ireland has declared a dividend for the last half-year at the rate of 13 per cent per annum. The ordinary dividend used to be 8 per cent ; latterly it was augmented to 9 per cent; and now it has mounted to 13 per cent. The Dublin Mercantile Advertiser considers this, and the prosperity of Irish banks in general, as proofs of the improved state of the country.

The Directors of the London Chartered Bank of Australia have issued their report and accounts preparatory to a meeting of proprietors. The profits for the half-year ending December last were 22,977/. ; it is proposed to pay a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, carrying forward a balance of 61021. The Directors report the state of the bank to be good, great caution having been exercised in Australia ; the business of the bank is gradually extending.

At a meeting of the North of Europe Steam Company, on Thursday,—Sir Samuel Pete in the chair,—the report of the Committee of Investigation was adopted. There was an angry discussion ; but the temper of the meeting seems to have been eventually mollified by the frank admissions of Sir Samuel Peto that he and the Directors had erred, from ignorance—he had himself assumed a post for which he was not fitted. Sir Samuel holds 60,000/. in the company. Captain Andrews, the Managing Director, on whom so much blame IB thrown, is very ill, and cannot give any explanation. It was suggested that the Directors should return the fees they had received, and that they should retire : they at once acceded to both propositions. Three new Directors were appointed. The business of the company is to be carried on. A vote of thanks was given to the Committee, and one to Sir Samuel Pete for his explanation.

The East India Company have notified to the Chairman of the Seinde Railway that the Company will be allowed to issue additional shares, representing 250,0001., on the same terms as the first issue, for the purpose of establishing a steam flotilla on the Indus, to form a communication between the Seinde and Punjab lines.

The Commercial Dock Company nave declared a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent per annum.

The sugar crop, of Brazil this season is expected to be large, in spite of the appearance of some unfavourable symptoms. The coffee crop will be the largest ever known. CRYSTAL PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday June 19th, including season-ticket-holders, 64,190.