SIR, —Your correspondent "C. J. H." states that, without an architect, he is about to build cottages which will cost £111, ex- clusive of the land. I can state that sixteen cottages have lately been built in a village in Suffolk, by respectable builders, under an architect, for .t 91 each, and that, after paying the architect's commission of 5-per cent., and for fencing the gardens, the cost was just £100 each.
The cottages are well built, rather ornamental than otherwise, being faced with red and white Suffolk bricks. Each house has, on the ground floor, a living-room 8 ft. 6 in. high and 13 ft. square, kitchen and washhouse 10 ft. by 11 ft., with fuel-house and office at the rear ; on. the chamber .floor are three bedrooms, 8 ft. high. The houses are fitted with stoves, ranges, and coppers, and have cupboards on both floors.
To the cost of each of the houses £10 for the value of the land should be added, and then, with a rental of 3s. per week, 5 per cent, net can be amply secured, after paying rates, taxes, and