Mr. Pointer, Apeaki K M For 'himself Only, Supported 'dr....
motion, adpritting, -however,..that in his Awn case he had found not the slightest difficulty in acting most cordially with both his chiefs, Lord Ripon and Lord Aberdare, while......
Lord Aberdare Is A Good-humoured Man, But We Doubt If
he can abstain from a smile as he watches his successor trying to amend, the Bill which is said to have destroyed the Liberal party. Mr. Cross is trying to make the Licensing......
Lord Salisbury On Monday Offered Some Further...
Bill for seating a Minister of Pnblie&W.orks in the Indian Cabinet. He showed that estimates for works were habitually ex- ceeded,that the Duke of,Argylliradfour times had to......
Sir Wilfrid Lawson Moved The Second Reading Of The Permis-
sive Bill on Wednesday, and, subse.quently replied to the attacks- made on it in a speech which had more humour than wisdom, but plenty of the former quality. .He held that the......
Sir Wilfrid Lawson Only Carried 75 Members With Him Into
the - lobby, while 301 voted against him,—majority, 226. Of the two working-men Members, Mr. Burt (Morpeth) voted for and Mr. Macdonald (Stafford) against the Permissive , Bill,......
The Conservatives Were Very Jubilant In The City On Wed-
nesday, over their great victory in the City and elsewhere. Mr. Disraeli excused himself from attendance, but the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Stafford Northcote, who took......
Dr. Lyon Playfair Made An Admirable Speech On Monday, In
asking for a Select Committee to consider how Ministerial respon- sibility may be made more efficient in the administration of the votes for Education, Science, and Art. He......
It Seems Nearly Impossible To Teach Southern Financiers...
nation when compounding with its creditors should reduce the capital of its debt, and not the interest. All reports from Spain, for instance, point to a coming liquidation of......