Mr. Chamberlain, in a letter to Monday's Times, produced one
of the Gladstonian leaflets issued recently from the Liberal Publication Department at 42 Parliament Street, Westminster, in which, in stating to the country "What the Liberals propose to do," sixteen general heads of policy are enumerated without the smallest allusion to Irish Home-rule, so that no elector who had read that leaflet only would sup- pose that Home-rule was an article of the Liberal creed at all. After enumerating Disestablishment, Land Reform, Free Education, "One man, one vote," Payment of Members, Shorter Parliaments, a Free Breakfast-table, and a number of other reforms, the sixteenth general head promises the poor in general a happier and cheerier life, and so leaves the programme without any mention of Home-rule. Mr. Chamberlain naturally asked what this meant. Was the primary article of the Gladstonian creed abandoned,—in which case he supposed Mr. Gladstone would be no longer regarded as the head of the party,—or was it intended to blind the electorate to the true issue, and lead them to enter- tain a groundless hope, as Dr. James, himself a Liberal Unionist, avowed the other day that he did, when declaring for the Gladstonia-n candidate for North Bucks, that Home- rule is exploded, in spite of the fact that it is the Gladstonia.ns' fixed intention to carry it none the less P