Letters To The Editor.
SIGNOR CRISPI AND THE CONTEMPORARY ARTICLE. [To THE EDITOR OP THE " BIlacTXTOII." Sin, — In your notice of the article in the June Contemporary, "Italy and France," you speak of......
[to The Ed/tor Of The " Spectator ,": . 1
Sin,—Permit me to call attention to some points connected with the Free Grant Bill which seem to have escaped. your notice, and which have an important bearing on the position......
In Defence Of Wayward Woman.
W ITH a chivalrous reverence for our conquerors, the triumphant fair, one yet remarks that they have 4 ways' not wholly ideal." So writes Mr. Andrew Lang in the pages of the......
Free Education.
To THE EDITOR Or THE SPECTATOE."1 Sin,—Managers of schools in which the fee is 3d. a week have' some reason to complain of the unanimity with which speakers. and writers have......