To THE EDITOR Or THE SPECTATOE."1 Sin,—Managers of schools in which the fee is 3d. a week have' some reason to complain of the unanimity with which speakers. and writers have assumed that the payment of 10s. a year for each child on average attendance will make no difference to. the income of such schools.
Take the ease of a school open forty-six weeks in the year with one hundred children on the books at 3d, a week (11s. fid. a year), and an average attendance of eighty. About 95 per cent, of children on the books pay at present, and. the school therefore receives nearly 255 a year in fees. But under the rule of 10s. for each child on average attendance, it will only receive 240 a year. It may be said that 215, and a trifle more, can be obtained by still charging a fee of ld, a week. But this would be sure to cause great dissatiefaction to parents who. have been reading in the newspapers that, as regards income from fees, the Free Education Bill will leave threepenny schools exactly as it found them.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Lanercost Vicarage, June 17th. H. WHITEHEAD.