A Handbook of Florida. By Charles Ledyard Norton. (Long- mans.)—This
is a most admirable guide to that one of the American States which has now become the leading winter sanatorium on the other side of the Atlantic. Mr. Norton takes, of course, an essentially business BEedekerish view of his subject, as in a para- graph relating to the approach to Florida, which runs thus :— "The Atlantic Coast Line is the shortest. Time, New York to Jacksonville, twenty-four to thirty-six hours. Vestibuled trains are run through from New York." His "hints to travellers," and the information he supplies on such subjects as banks and hotels, are well condensed. At the same time, he does not neglect the picturesque aspects of Floridan history, especially during the time when the State was the object of contention between Spanish Catholic and French Protestant. The story of the remarkable vengeance exacted in the end of the sixteenth century by Domenique de Oourgues for the massacres of the fanatic Menendez, is exceptionally well told.