Chronicles of Erthig on the Dyke. By Albinia Lucy Cost
(din. Wherry). 2 vole. (john Lane. 25e. net.)—Erthig Hall was built in 1682 by one Joshua Edisbury, High Sheriff of Denbighshire. It stands on Wails Dyke, near Wrexham, on the site of a much older house, and in the neighbourhood of a prehistoric British camp. In 1733 it passed into the hands of Simon Yorke, a coughs of the first Lord Hardwicke, in whose family it still remains. Like most country houses which have been equally long under the ownership of a single line, it preserves many interesting documents throwing light on the social history of the past two centuries. Out of these Mrs. Wherry has made two handsome volumes that are full of "fine confused reading."