_roman Imperialism. By Tenney Frank. (macmillan And (jo....
net.)—The author of this book is Professor of Latin at Bryn Mawr, one of the leading Colleges for women in the United States. He undertakes to analyse " the precise influences......
Ships And 'shipping. 2 Vols. (t. Nelson And Sons. 2s.
net)—Thin useful addition to the publishers' "Encyclopaedia Library" contains a wonderful amount of multifarious infor- mation about all types of vessels. There are still some......
A Child Of The Orient. By Demetra Take. (john Lane'
7s. 6d. net)—The "child" was a Greek girl, living in Turkey, who spent much of her time in Turkish households playing with their children. She describes her experiences brightly......
King's Conege Lectures On Colonial Problems. Edited By F. J.
C. Hearnshaw. (G. Bell and Sons. 4e. 6d. net.)—This volume is a valuable contribution to those" Imperial studies" which, as Principal Barrows has said, fall obviously within the......
The Sea's Anthology. Compiled By J. E. Patterson. (w....
2s, net.)—This is not quite the ideal anthology —perhaps no anthology is ideal to anyone except its compiler —but it is good value for the money. We note that Mr. Patterson......
The Seen And The Unseen At Stratford-on-avon. By W. D
Howells. (Harper and Brothers. 5s. net.)—Whilst para- doxical people argue, on what they are pleased to call critical grounds, whether Shakespeare or Bacou wrote Hamlet, Mr.......
The Social Disease, And How To Fight If. By Louise
Creighton. (Longmans and Co. Is. net.)—Women, says Mrs. Creighton, " cannot consent to remain in ignorance" of the great social evil which she discusses in this little book. But......
Elgin Past And Present. By Herbert B. Mackintosh. (j. D.
Tendon. 10s. 6d. net.)—This handsome volume is in part designed to fill a gap in the education of the youth of Elgin, "by affording them some knowledge of the historical......
Chronicles Of Erthig On The Dyke. By Albinia Lucy Cost
(din. Wherry). 2 vole. (john Lane. 25e. net.)—Erthig Hall was built in 1682 by one Joshua Edisbury, High Sheriff of Denbighshire. It stands on Wails Dyke, near Wrexham, on the......
Natural Philosophers Should Have Had To Wait More Than Two
centuries for a copious biographer. The "father of chemistry and uncle to the Earl of Cot-k" is perhaps adequately com- memorated by the fact that, in English-speaking......
The Athenian Empirrs And The Great Illusion. By R M.
W. Tillyard. (Macmillan and Co. Is. net) —This pamphlet contains the essay which gained the prize offered by the Garton Foundation to the Cambridge University War and Peace......