" KENYA " [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sit,—Our attention has been drawn to a paragraph in your issue of the 6th instant under the above heading. In the first place, you have been misinformed in the statement that the evidence of deputations from Kenya has been taken by the Joint Committee. So far only the natives have given evidence : the witnesses on behalf of the Convention of (European) Associations commenced giving their evidence yesterday, and have not yet finished. We, representatives of Indians in Kenya, expect to be called on the 12th instant.
With reference to your statement that " The Whites have what understanding is possible and great sympathy with the Native. The Indians have no more sympathy with him than the Brahmin has for the untouchable in India," we would request you to refer to the evidence of nine African witnesses (including three natives of Kenya). Although they make, rightly or wrongly, a number of allegations of harsh treatment at the hands of the Europeans, they have not made, so far as we are aware, any complaint against the Indians.—We are, Sir,
(Kenya Indian Delegation).
9th June. 48 Danes Inn House, 265 Strand, London, W.C.2.