In Wild Wales
By E. W. HENDY. TN these days of motor-cars and bungalow building -I- it becomes more and more difficult to find any spot in the British Islands, outside Scotland and Ireland,......
A Penny Of Observation
HOME FROM HOME. • Cradles are being sold in America fitted with a microphone attachment. This enables the mother, when duty or pleasure takes her away from the nursery, to "......
Getting Down To It. .
Mr. Woodcock, the Director of Prohibition in the U.S.A.; has organised an Advisory Research Council with a view to solving the " vexed question of what is really happening in......
The Theatre
Not. BY ANDB.E OBEY. AT THE ARTS THEATRE CLUB. How delightful to return to simplicity after much com- plication ! After many experiments in dramatic technique, give us something......
" Deouc-rto Ad Absurdum."
The owner of a Gladstone bag which was found, according to The Times, to contain " 15 sticks of gelignite, 20 fuses, 14 detonators, one automatic pistol, and 20 rounds of ammu-......
The Critic And Advertising.
No one who reads a publisher's advertisement can fail to be struck by the use made therein of the pronouncements of well-known literary critics. The publisher conceives—no doubt......