20 JUNE 1931, Page 30
11 7 illing's Press Guide, 1931. (Willing Service, 856-364 Gray's Inn Road,
London, W.C. 1. 2s. 6d.)—Rhodesian Manual on Agriculture, Industry and Mining, 1981. (Mining and Industrial Publications of Africa, Ltd. 21s.)—The States. man's Year-Book, 1931. (Macmillan. 20s.)—The Labour Year Book, 1931. (Labour Publications Dept., Transport House, Smith Square, S.W. 1. 3s. 6d.)—The Annual Register, 1980. Edited by M. Epstein. (Longmans. 80s.) Annual Report of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, 1930-1931. (Witherby. 10s. 6d.)