20 JUNE 1931, Page 38


The only hopeful note struck in the latest -report of A. W. Gamage, Limited, is contained in the statement that during the current year there has been an appreciable improvement in the company's .trade. For the past year there was a loss on trading operations of £4,804, this loss arising on .the. Holborn business. At the date of the balance sheet the amount owing to the parent company by the West -End company was over £40,000, but provision for the Preference dividend guarantee of Gamages. (West End) for the year to January 31st has been made out of General Reserve. To the trading loss for the year there has to be added Debenture interest of £4,500 and Preference dividend of 19,625, and, after crediting the balance of £3,783 brought forward, there

is a final debit balance of £15,145. A. W. K.