SIR,—I am one of twenty-five Austrian students visiting this country on a British Council scheme. Being the first Austrian students able to do so, and realising that information about foreign countries is one of the means of getting Austria out of the intellectual cage in which she has been for so long, we feel it our duty to give the fellow students we left behind as full a report on our visit as possible. This report is intended to contain two things ; one thing we can do ourselves, and another we cannot. Staying with families distributed all over this country we can put down first-hand impressions on what life is like in Britain to-day, but staying four weeks only we cannot give exact information on all aspects of this life, which would be a thing badly needed, not only by university stpdents of English, but by examinees of the interpreter diplomas, school teachers and the great number of Austrians interested in British affairs. Compiling such a book out of books already existing would yield but dull results. Our idea is, therefore, to go back to first-hand living informatidn put down in thousand-word articles by experts, not by big men with famous names, but " little" experts: a town mayor writing on British Administration, a London barrister on British Law, a house- wife on British Home Life, a sport fan on British Sports, etc. We are now trying to find people interested in writing the hundred articles or so needed (in English without pay), and I wonder whether you could help us in doing so by publishing this letter.—Yours faithfully, 7 Queens Road, Weybridge, Surrey. GUNTHER NENNING.