The " Pall Mall Gazette "
SIR,—In your exceedingly kind reference to me you say, with regard to the book on that remarkably influential newspaper, the Pall Mall Gazette, which I have had in mind for......
Sts,—in A Letter In Your Issue Of 6th Inst., It
is stated that " subscriptions tent to Friends Relief Society . . . can be received for immediate purchase of food for Germany." On the other hand, we are assured that the......
Acid And Metal
Snt,—I have no personal knowledge of Lord Simon of Wythenshawe. For all I know Janus may be right in his innuendo that be has a lust for position which has been adequately......
British Broadcasting Overseas
Sm,—In your issue of May 2nd you publish a letter from the Director of Eastern Services 6f the B.B.C. in which he replies to a letter (previously published in your journal) from......
Getting To Know Britain
SIR,—I am one of twenty-five Austrian students visiting this country on a British Council scheme. Being the first Austrian students able to do so, and realising that information......
* The Postal Tax
Snt,—I would be obliged if the correspondence concerning the profits taken by the G.P.O. could be closed forthwith. The immediate reaction was the introduction of lid. postage......
Sir William Beach Thomas Is On A Short Holiday. His
" Country Life " column will be resumed on July 4th.......
" Hard-faced Men "
Sm,—Your reviewer of Forty Years In and Out of Parliament by Sir Percy Harris blames the author for wrongly attributing well-known say- ings to the wrong persons, and claims for......
Parcels For Europe
Sts,—I am very glad to see Agnes Fry's letter in your issue of June 6th, and I would like to add that Friends , Relief Service purchases food not merely for Germany but for......
Five Shillings A Week
Sut,—By all means give German prisoners drama ; but it would do more to " mitigate asperities and bridge gulfs " if they were allowed a little more than lid. an hour, 5s. a......
A Revised National Anthem
Sis,—In considering re-writing the National Anthem, the old first line should be recalled: "God Save great George our King." It was thus printed on occasion in the eighteenth......