The deputation appointed by the meeting held at Leeds on
the 8th instant, of persons favourable to the Government plan of education, had an interview with the Marquis of Lansdowne, as Lord President, at the Privy Council Office, yes- terday. Having read the resolutions passed at the meeting, the deputation pro- ceeded in a friendly spirit to state what were the popular objections to the mea- sures. Six of these objections Lord Lansdowne met by an explanation, showing their unsoundness. After some discussion and consultation on a seventh objec- tion, Lord Lansdowne declared that the Government would obviate it in a mode suggested by the deputation: it should be the rale, that any school not built with the aid of public money, but which, on requesting inspection, had received annual grants for its support, might free itself from inspection by ceasing to receive the annual grant.