20 MARCH 1847, page 11

The Scotch Peers Met At Holyrood House On Wednesday; When

Lord Gray was elected a Representative Peer for Scotland in the room of the late Lord Rolla The Scotch Peers met at Holyrood House on Wednesday; when Lord Gray was elected a......

East India Shipping.

AaarvED—At Gravesend, 14th March, City of Poonah, Nelson, from Calcutta ; Sag- halien, Jones ; and Claudia, Pelle, from Bombay; and Anne Mary, Stevens, from Mauritius ; 15th,......

The Whitehaven Junction Railway, Connecting Whitehaven...

was open throughout its whole length on Thursday. The workmen in the carriage department of the Great Western Railway at Paddington have subscribed one day's pay, equal to 60k,......

The Theatres.

The extra night, or "long Thursday," at the Operahouse, was reduced this week to moderate dimensions, the performances being over before midnight. Gardoni appeared in a new......

Money Market.

STOLE EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market evinced considerable firmness on Monday, and prices advanced nearly .1 per cent. There was a decline on Tuesday, when,......

The Deputation Appointed By The Meeting Held At Leeds On

the 8th instant, of persons favourable to the Government plan of education, had an interview with the Marquis of Lansdowne, as Lord President, at the Privy Council Office, yes-......

" Many Well-informed Persons, However," Says The Standard...

this event as a voluntary guarantee by Russia for the continuance of peace, as she has bound herself by the strong ties of interest to a peaceful policy. It is also looked upon......

The Judges Of The Superior Courts Have Fixed The Scale

of allowance to wit napes in the new County Courts--gentlemen, merchants, bankers, and profes- sional men, 7s. 6d. a day; tradesmen, auctioneers, accountants, clerks, and yeo-......