[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—Your reviewer of Canon Darwell Stone's book expresses the feelings of many Churchpeople.
First, it is against the grain with most of us to have " the Mass " constantly thrown at us. No Bishop uses this ter- minology.- Why must we have it exasperatingly stressed by the clergy ! It is all part of the movement for overriding English sentiment and reintroducing Latin Christianity and pre- Reformation customs.
Secondly, there is this protestation, " We do not wish to force Catholic ideas or usages upon anyone." In parish after parish the desires of the parishioners are disregarded. A small body of the faithful is formed, and for the rest there is no sort of consideration. There is a quiet and steady alienation of the laity while this Catholic cult is promoted. And everyone knows that the Catholic Party works ceaselessly to advertise itself and capture the Church. Your reviewer is to be thanked for his fair statement of the position.—I am, Sir, &e.,