The Theatre
A HORROR TRAGEDY [" THE CENCI," BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. KEPI= THEATRE.] Is The Cenci, then, really one of the four great tragic masterpieces of the world's literature ? Miss......
* Major Court Treatt And His Wife, Who Made The
first Cape to Cairo trip by motor '- car, are in London and have been relating their remarkable experiences. Major Treatt believes that the motor will play a great part in......
Who Wants These New Leviathans Of The London Streets, The
motor 'buses with their covered tops ? They are cramped, draughty, and look top-heavy. I dented my hat on the ceiling and found that the seats, although they are possibly only......
Abd-el-krim Has Consented To Allow French And Spanish...
communicate with their relatives and to receive clothes, medicine and provisions. Surely the time has arrived when the French and Spanish authorities could withdraw the ban they......
Last Week I Met Professor . Salvemini, The Anti-fascist,...
living in London. This Italian professor is very much a persona non grata with the present Italian Govern- merit: The Fascist organ Impero (as reported by the Times) after......
* Readers Of The Spectator Will Recall The Plea Made
in this paper last year for the throwing open of our squares to the children of London in the summer. Mr. G. Topham Forrest; the chief architect of the London County Council,......