[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The Women's Guild of Empire are organizing a Demon- stration in London on April 17th, to protest against strikes and revolutionary activity in industry. The Procession, which, it is expected, will number over 20,000 women, will march from the Embankment to the Royal Albert Hall, where a Great Mass Meeting will be held. Thousands of these women, coming from all parts of Scotland, England and Wales, are the wives of working men who have had personal experience of strikes, and know what hardships they mean. The Scottish section are bringing their pipers, and the York- shire contingent two colliery bands. At the Mass Meeting Mrs. Flora Drummond will be in the chair, and the speakers will include some of the wives of the workers in the key industries of the country. We stand for common sense in industry, and are calling upon Capital and Labour to unite and adjust their. differences. Names of those wishing to assist, and funds to enable more willing marchers from a distance to join in the Demonstration, will be welcomed by the Secre- tary at the office of the W.G.E., 24 Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c.,
24 Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W. 1.