How the Leakue of Nations Works (Hogarth Press, Is. 6d.)
is told for young people by Miss Innes. But adults as well as those of tender years may well profit by this clear and cogent pamphlet. The cost of the League is a million a year, and who shall say that this is not a cheap investment in security ? We pay £100,000 a year to the League, a quarter of the ccst of a single battleship. In dealing with the achieve- ments of the League, Miss Innes is treading on debatable ground, but we heartily agree with her that prejudice is the first enemy to progress, and indiscriminate praise the Second ; the base from which alone both can be combated is a know- ledge of the facts. It is facts which this booklet gives us, in a very pleasant, reasonable, cultured, but far from " high-
brow " way. * * * *