The Duke of Norfolk on Monday introduced a subject which
seems to interest all English Catholics a little more than its importance warrants. They desire, being loyalists, that England should rule in Uganda ; but suspect that the Chartered Company wants to give a predominance to Pro. testants. They allege that even now Protestants who turn Catholics are deprived of their lands ; and as Captain Lugard alleges that this is in consequence of an agreement signed by the representatives of both creeds, they want a sight of that agreement. Lord Rosebery replies that he must await Captain ISlacdonald's report, and that he has no authority over the Chartered Company's papers. We do not believe that Captain Lugard desired any religious persecution; but the English Catholics are certainly not disloyal, and we do not see why they should not have the past documents they ask for. The inability to make the Company produce them must be official fudge. The Company is no more inde- pendent of the Foreign Office than the East India Company was of the Board of Control. If the English Catholics were Home-rulers, the papers would be forthcoming fast enough.