Things Chinese: Being Notes On Various Subjects Connected...
By J. Dyer Ball, H.M. Civil Service, Hong-Kong. (Samp- son Low.)—This useful, and in some measure interesting, book is an avowed imitation of Mr. B. H. Chamberlain's more......
Current Literature.
Poems of the Hon. .Roden Noel. A Selection, with an Introduc- tion, by Robert Buchanan. (Walter Scott.)—Mr. Noel's work shows to advantage in the selection which Mr. Buchanan......
Professor Dowden's "introduction To Shakespeare ." * No...
people have different experiences in their study of Shakespeare. One reads him only as a teller of good stories, one as a poet, some few as a philosopher, and many as the great......
Cassell's New Biographical Dictionary. (cassell And...
a useful volume, though it is not without defects and mistakes. F. D. Maurice was never Professor of English Literature at Cambridge. It will be news to scholars that "Several......
Owr Wherry In Wendish Lands. By H. M. Doughty. Illus-
trated by his daughters. (Jarrold and Sons.)—Readers of Mr. Doughty's "Friesland Mores" and "Summer in Broadlaud " will hail with pleasure his new volume, in no way inferior in......