The manufacture by Germany of a claim - to Asia Minor
as within her "sphere of influence" goes on steadily. The Times correspondent at Berlin quotes in last Satur- day's paper certain statements from German newspapers to show that - the German Government is about to send a semi-official expedition to conduct an exploration in Asia Minor, Armenia, and Mesopotamia. The expedi- tion is nominally . organised . by the Anatolian Railway. Company, but as -it will be accompanied by' the German. Consul=General at Constantinople, and as the Anatolian Rail; way is distinetly the creature of political projects, the character, . of the' expedition is well marked. The Times correspondent recalls Moltke's desire that Germany should obtain' Ahia. lqinor and the basin of the' Euphrates, and "notes how' the' present -Emperor has worked steadily towards • this end. - Personally we 'have no dread' of 'German-eipans' ion in-Asia • Minor. We do not want it for ourselves, and on commercial grounds would far rather see the Germans developing than the Turks ruining those rich and fertile regions. Unless, how- ever, we are very greatly misinformed as to Russia's aspira- tions, she will not endure to see Asia Minor in the hands of Germany. Then comes the question, Is it really good policy for William II. to incur the enmity of Russia for any Asian province, however rich and fertile ?