Robespierre. By Ange Galdemar. (c. Arthur Pearson. Ga.)-...
the story of M. Sardou's play, "adapted and novelised under his authority." An interesting question of historic morality arises. For stage purposes a fictitious incident may be......
The Tides Simply Explained. By The Rev. J. H. S.
.Moxly. (Rivingtons. 5s.)—Mr. Moxly questions the conclusions arrived at by Professor Darwin in the work lately reviewed in the Spectator (April 30th), and before him by Sir G.......
The Secrets Of The Hand. By Maud Harries. (digby, Long,
and Co. - 2s. 6d.)—Miss Harries holds with "Scientific Palmistry," and tells us in this volume some of its principles. A frontispiece gives a chart of the hand with its various......
. :alert:ides. By Horace Smith. (macmillan And Co....
Smith gives us' here two - very readable essays. 'He has a gift of humour, has read widely,, and knows, how to quote. Generally he has fair share of the qualifications of an......
The Flora Of Kent. By Frederick J. Hanbury And Edward
S. Marshall, MA. (F. J. Hanbury. 12s. 6d.)—The volume begins with an introduction on the geology and meteorology of the county, and a "Delimitation of the Botanical Districts."......
The Federation Of The World. By Benjamin F. Trueblood, Lld.
(Houghton, Mifflin, and Co., Boston, U.S. 4s.)—Dr. Trueblood's volume, consisting of lectures delivered at the Meadville Theological School in 1897, is a seasonable publication.......
" God First;" Or, Hester :needham's 'work In Sumatra....
Diaries arranged' by Mary . Enfield. - ' 3s. }' - Miss • Needham began liereciivities with sOcial"work at' limn% labouring fir - the Y.W.C.A. and • other good cantles.- 'Thies'......
Mr; Punch's Book Of Arnie. Drawn And Written By E.
T. Reed. (Bradbury, Agnew, incl•Co. 70.6d. net.)—Readers of Patnwl& wilfie- meniber the humorous armorial bearings Which he has invented from - time to time for various persons......
Andrew Melville. By William Morison. (oliphant, Anderson,...
6d.)—Andrew Melville certainly deserved the place that has been found for him in the "Famous Scots Series." No sturdier protester for liberty of conscience—his own liberty, it......
Quaker Campaigns In Peace And :war: :by William Jones....
Brothers. 6s.)—William Jones went to administer the "War Victims' Fund" of the Society of Friends, first in 1870-71, during and after the Franca-German War, and afterwards in......
The Martyrdom Of An Empress. (harper And Brothers. 7s. 6d.)—
This is the story of the life of the Empress Elizabeth of Austria by some one who in past times was in attendance upon her. One does not expect in a book produced under such......
Oliver Cromwell, By Horace G. Groser. (s.s.u., Is.), Is A
volume in the "Splendid Lives Series." The writer holds, or at least seeks to hold, the balance with an even hand. He admires his hero greatly, and, indeed, the hero is worthy......
The Epistle To The Galatians. By E. H. Askwith, M.a.
(Mac- millan and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This volume is devoted to the con- sideration of the destination and the date of the Epistle to the Galatians. The question of the destination......